Preparation time: 40+ min
Difficulty: medium
Serves 2
For tomato balls
1 ½ cups brown lentils
1 leek
1 cup sun-dried tomatoes
1 or 2 tsp dry basil
pinch of thyme
1 or 2 tbs flax seeds
1/2 cup pine nuts
salt and pepper*

Cook the brown lentils and meanwhile roughly slice the leek and sun-dried tomatoes. Add all ingredients, except for flax seeds and pine nuts, into a food processor and mix until smooth. If there are too many ingredients for one food processor, you should mix in intervals. Add some water if the brown lentils are too dry or add some ground oat flakes if you think the lentils are too wet. Then grind the flax seeds which will act as a binder. Fry the pine nuts and coarsely grind them. Place the batter in a bigger bowl, add flax seeds and pine nuts, taste, season, and leave it to rest for about 20 minutes. When you hold the thick batter in your hands it needs to be juicy and keep its form. We use an ice cream scoop to form the balls. It is quick and the balls look very nice. Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake until they are golden brown.
*be careful with seasoning as sun-dried tomatoes are already salty.
For spinach sauce
1 leek
few bay leaves
300 g baby spinach
water in which you soaked sun-dried tomatoes
pinch of nutmeg
salt and pepper

Chop the leek and water fry it together with bay leaves, add spinach until it wilts, and add water. Mix in a blender to get a smooth sauce (remove the bay leaves first), season, and serve. If we cook the sauce for a long time it will lose its fresh green color.
Prepare polenta according to the manufacturer's instructions, then add it to a pan (any shape) so polenta forms a shape. Let it cool and then evenly cut it and bake in the oven. If you will roast it in the pan, it’s good to use a few drops of oil.
Use your imagination and tailor the recipe to your taste. Enjoy creativity and Bon Appetit.