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Ingredients:Preparation time: 40+ min

Difficulty: medium

Sourdough starter


Prepare the gluten-free sourdough starter the same way as with wheat flour but use gluten-free flour instead. We used rice flour. Because the bacteria in a sourdough starter feed on gluten, our gluten-free starter won't be as ''lively'' as we are used to seeing with gluten flour. It produces fewer and smaller bubbles, and lactic-acid bacteria are still formed in it. It takes a little more patience and you will definitely succeed.



Let the leaven rest and mature overnight or up to 18 hours. During this time, you will notice bubbles that indicate life in the leaven.



  • 20 g whole Psyllium husks

  • 20 g flax seeds (whole or crushed)

  • 300 ml water

The binder will help our gluten-free bread to retain structure and moisture. Mix all the ingredients and let them rest. In the meantime, prepare different kinds of flour.


  • 100 g tapioca flour

  • 100 g oat flour

  • 100 g rice flour

  • 30 g red lentil flour

  • 30 g corn flour

Tapioca flour is actually starch and is added for a more airy bread structure. It can be combined with potato starch (not potato flour). You can also use other mixtures but be careful with legume flour which can be very heavy (but also rich in protein).

Put the binder in the leaven and mix. Put all types of flour in a large bowl and add the mixture of leaven and binder. You can knead with your hands or with a hand mixer, where you use the kneading attachment. Let the kneaded dough rest for an hour (autolysis).

After an hour, add a teaspoon of salt and knead again. Gluten-free bread is almost devoid of elasticity, so the process of stretching and folding will not be possible here. Put the dough on the counter and form a loaf. Put it back in the bowl, cover and leave it in the fridge for 24 hours.

The next day, take the loaf from the fridge, place it on the counter and flatten it. Fold the sides towards the center, thus capturing the air into the loaf. Form it back into the loaf and place it in a basket which was previously lined with a bulky floured kitchen cloth. Cover and put in the fridge again for 24 hours.

The next day, preheat the oven to 250°C and place a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven so that there is enough moisture. Turn the flat baking pan upside down and heat it in the oven. You will put your loaf on this pan. Transfer the loaf from the basket to a baking paper and then help yourself with a bread paddle to transfer the loaf to a heated baking tray. Bake for 10 minutes at 250°C, then lower the temperature to 220°C and bake for another 45 minutes.

Use your imagination and tailor the recipe to your taste. Enjoy creativity and Bon Appetit.

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