Time of preparation: 20 min
Difficulty: easy
Serves 2
100 g large dark beans
1 red cabbage
2 carrots
2 cucumbers
bunch of fresh fennel
salt and pepper
200 g tempeh

Soak the beans overnight and cook them the next day. Drain and cool. If you want to save time, you can cook the beans the day before or use the ones in a jar.
Thinly slice cabbage, carrots and cucumbers with a mandoline slicer, and chop the fennel. Mix all the ingredients, except tempeh, and place them nicely into a bowl. Cut tempeh the way you like it, water-fry it in a pan and place on top of the salad. Use the dressing you like the most.
Use your imagination and tailor the recipe to your taste. Enjoy creativity and bon a petit.
