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Fruit and vegetable smoothies have been a big fad in the past few years and they deserve a spot in the group of superfoods since we can blend fruit and vegetables into really small pieces so they are easily digestible and nutrients can reach the blood very quickly. Although we have a wrong habit of putting everything we have in the kitchen into a smoothie meal which is not necessarily good for our body.

Nutritionists recommend we don't mix more than two types of fruit into a fruit smoothie (we can always add lemon) and we can mix various types of vegetables, one type of fruit, and lemon into a vegetable smoothie.

We also need to add superfoods into a smoothie in moderation and not too much at once.

We have prepared two fruit smoothies and one green smoothie for you.

Raspberry smoothie


  • 1 banana

  • 100 g raspberries

  • 2 pinches of cinnamon

  • 50 ml water or plant-based milk

  • 1 tbs golden flax seeds

  • lemon juice of half lemon

Preparation: Add ingredients to a blender and blend well.

Golden flax seeds contain plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids and nutritionists recommend it for hormone regulation in women and men.

Mango smoothie


  • 1 banana

  • 1/2 mango

  • 2 pinches of cinnamon

  • 50 ml water or plant-based milk

  • lemon juice of half lemon

  • 1 tsp maca powder

Preparation: Add ingredients to a blender and blend well.

Maca increases energy levels, libido, and maintains the right level of hormones in men and women.

Green smoothie


  • 1 bunch of spinach

  • 1 sprig of fresh cilantro

  • 3 broccoli florets

  • 1/2 avocado

  • lemon juice of half lemon

  • 1 tbs spirulina

  • 2 pinches of cinnamon

  • 1 tbs golden flax seeds

  • 100 ml water

Preparation: Add ingredients to a blender and blend well.

Spirulina contains vitamin B (and B12), iron and copper, it is an excellent source of protein and has strong antioxidative effects.

When we want our smoothie thicker and more filling, we may add a teaspoon of glucomannan.

Nutritionists advise against eating sweet fruit for breakfast as our insulin levels can rise significantly - even though cinnamon regulates it, we still need to be careful. It is recommended to eat sweet fruit before physical activities since it provides instant energy that we use immediately.

Use your imagination and tailor the recipe to your taste. Enjoy creativity and Bon Appetit.


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