In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the timetable of a day is divided into 12 two-hour units. Each unit is intended for an organ, a purpose, an action, and feeling. This division is based on how the vital energy is channelled through our body and therefore gives pace to our lives. We need to consider this twelve-bar rhythm for optimal regeneration of our body, mind, and spirit. Observation of our feelings related to this biological clock, informs us about the state of our organs.

From 5am to 7am: Large intestine; in this time, we wake up, empty our bowel and eliminate toxins. We spend this time in peace (meditation, peaceful yoga, personal hygiene). We just are. We pay attention to the emerging feelings. When we are not in balance, the feelings of helplessness and determination will emerge.
From 7am to 9am: Stomach; it is time for the first meal of the day. Our concentration is better, and we are physically strong. If we have a chance, we should try getting some fresh air. We can greatly manifest our day. We may feel distress, which relates to our stomach.
From 9am to 11am: Spleen; our working concentration is at its highest. At this time, we should manage our most important and most difficult work. What we had for breakfast is now coming out as energy. Healthy breakfast = plenty of energy. We try to hold on to this energy, so we don't get lazy.
From 11am to 1pm: Heart; our blood is being cleansed. It’s time for lunch and we still have plenty of energy. We may feel remarkable joy or great sadness.
From 1pm to 3pm: Small intestine; Our body absorbs all the nutrients from our lunch. Our digestion is burdened. At this time, our energy is fading and we rest. We may feel rejected or overlooked.
From 3pm to 5pm: Bladder; drinking and excreting larger amounts of water. We get our energy back and are ready for more work. Unhealthy bladder makes us feel scared and insecure.
From 5pm to 7pm: Kidneys; regeneration of blood. Time for dinner, easy exercise, a short walk - something that speeds up our blood circulation. We may feel fear at this time which indicates kidney problems.
From 7pm to 9pm: Pericardium; bloodstream; time for complete relaxation. Nutrients have reached our cells, this is time for intimacy, affection, and peace. We focus our conscious attention on our mind and spirit.
From 9pm to 11pm: Sanjiao; non-physical organ in TCM, spreads through the whole body. It is responsible for organ and enzyme homeostasis. It transforms physical energy into spiritual. The day ends. We should be falling asleep in this time frame. If we don't calm down and fall asleep, we may feel paranoid.
From 11pm to 1am: Gallbladder; we accumulate the energy for the next day. We need deep sleep for energy regeneration. Old grudges may emerge in our thoughts which tend to manifest in our dreams.
From 1am to 3am: Liver; toxins are being cleaned, filtered. Blood is regenerating and cleaning itself. If we wake up in this time period, we may feel anger, frustration - these are liver emotions.
From 3am to 5am: Lungs; we need a sufficient amount of oxygen for regeneration. Waking up in this period may cause feelings of sadness - lung emotions. We can be woken up by lung problems (difficulty breathing).